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Annual Meeting & Proxy Information

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Date and Time

The 2020 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Truist Financial Corporation is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, April 28, 2020.


This year, participation in the Annual Meeting is being changed to a virtual (online) only meeting to protect the health and well-being of attendees, and accommodate travel and stay-at-home restrictions in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Truist encourages shareholders to submit their proxies in advance of the meeting using one of the available methods described in the proxy materials.

Shareholders may participate in the Annual Meeting online by visiting the virtual meeting site at  Please note that the virtual meeting site is operated by an unaffiliated third party and Truist is not responsible for the terms or conditions of use of the site. Shareholders attending the meeting online will be able to vote their shares electronically and submit questions prior to and during the meeting. Presentation materials will be available online during the webcast of the meeting and will also be posted on the Truist Investor Relations website prior to the commencement of the meeting. More detailed instructions for accessing the Annual Meeting online can be found in the virtual annual meeting announcement posted below under “Proxy Materials and Annual Reports.”


In the event of any shareholder experiencing difficulty participating in the virtual meeting information above, the guest portal site at will be available, using the password TFC2020 if prompted. Note that this guest portal cannot be used to vote shares or pose questions.

Proxy Materials and Annual Reports

Electronic copies of materials related to the Annual Meeting are available below to view or download.


You may view or download a sample copy of the proxy card being used for the Annual Meeting.  Please note that this is only a sample and it cannot be used to vote at the Annual Meeting.