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Credit Ratings

Reviewed and refreshed May 8, 2024.

Truist Financial Corporation 

Rating S&P Moody’s Fitch DBRS Morningstar
Outlook / credit trend Stable Stable Stable Stable
Issuer A- / A-2 Baa1 A / F1 AAL / R-1M
Senior unsecured A- Baa1 A- AAL
Subordinated BBB+ Baa1 BBB+ AH
Preferred stock BBB- Baa3 (hyb) BBB- AL

Truist Bank 

Rating S&P Moody’s Fitch DBRS Morningstar
Outlook / credit trend Stable Stable Stable Stable
Issuer A / A-1 A3 A / F1 AA / R-1H
Deposits no rating A1 / P-1 A+ / F1+ AA
Senior unsecured A A3 A AA
Subordinated A- (P) A3 A- AAL